Building from Seoul Olympics, 1988

Building from Seoul Olympics, 1988

Friday, January 24, 2014

Borrego Springs

Fate has willed my stay in Borrego Springs, California. Borrego Springs? you ask. You are not alone. It's a desert town in eastern San Diego County. But before you think there's much connection to the moderate sunshine of coastal California, it takes two hours to get from Downtown San Diego to Borrego Springs, travelling through mountains to get to the Colorado Desert. It's a harsh environment with that classic bone-dry look. When one first arrives, the questionable is indubitably: how did this happen? Whose vision was this?

We're going to explore this a little bit while we're down here. What happens when things don't quite pan out?  What factors limit success in such a community?

Please stay tuned to the "Borrego Springs" page on the left.

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